Tuesday, July 19, 2011

0 Online Learning in K-12 Schools

Here is a link to my PowerPoint on Utilizing Learning Management Systems


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

0 Reaching and Engaging Learners -- Class Reflection

As I reflect back on the past eight weeks, I remember apprehension. The concepts of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Differentiated Instruction (DI) seemed so overwhelming and exhausting that I was dreading the class. However, as the course progressed, I was comforted that UDL and DI were not as dreadful as I expected and was surprised to know that I was incorporating these concepts to some degree already.

One of the things I remember most is Dr. Tomlinson (2009) stating repeatedly that the main goal is to be flexible and to remember that the process takes time. Knowing that I had the rest of my career to become an expert was very reassuring. Although I want to include quickly aspects of UDL and DI, I can start small and work my way up.

I also learned there are several immediate adjustments I can make to my instructional practice. The use of surveys for learning styles and profiles is an excellent way to determine the teaching styles I should incorporate in my classroom. These questionnaires will show me what strategies to use to reach all of my students in the avenues that best help them learn. I can also assess my students using alternate methods such as concept maps, wikis, blogs, or voicethreads.

Ultimately, this class reminded me that education is about the child. I can use the newest gadget known to man, but the lesson is not presented in a format that my child can understand, my lesson is useless. As an educator, I must be flexible enough in my delivering and my assessment to do whatever is necessary to reach my students.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009). Reaching and engaging all learners through technology. Baltimore: Author.

Friday, April 22, 2011

0 Integrating Technology Across the Content Areas : Reflection

I have completed yet another thought provoking class through Walden University. In the Course, Integrating Technology across the Content Areas, I have discovered so many new ways to use technology in ways that are the most beneficial for my students. I am excited to begin incorporating the numerous ideas and activities next fall.

One technique discussed in class was the GAME plan, a lesson plan based upon goals, actions, monitoring, and evaluating. The GAME plan I developed in this eight-week course was a perfect addition to my classroom. It offered a simple way to implement an idea with my students, monitor that activity, and then make adjustments as necessary. My GAME plan to create blogs based on current event articles was extremely successful. My students not only became more familiar with the use of blogs but also were exposed to news that affects the world. The students became active and seemed to enjoy the forming opinions and analyzing the articles. I previously taught history and missed that aspect of the classroom. I was glad to be able to begin incorporating it in my technology class.

The technology that I am most interested in adding to my lessons is digital storytelling. I have never used this in my class, and I was so excited to collaborate with colleagues and read many of their ideas for digital storytelling. As a technology teacher, it will be a great way to incorporate a new form of technology as well as include other curriculum. I already have several activities planned with other teachers in other content areas. It will allow students to use digital storytelling in my classroom to complete an assignment for another class.

Overall, this class has again introduced me to new teaching strategies and techniques that will help develop the skills of my students. Every lesson has been relevant to me and has included something that I can use almost immediately in my classroom.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

8 Using the GAME Plan Process with Students

The NETS for Students are parallel to those of the teachers. Students are to focus in on creativity, communication/collaboration, critical thinking, citizenship, research, and technology operations. I hope that once they leave my classroom they have had an opportunity to grow in all of these areas.

As I look over the past few weeks and the GAME plan I established, I realize that the students were following a plan although they were most likely not aware. I gave them a goal, they choose what actions to take, they monitored, and the evaluated. Some realized that their first actions were not great, they monitored their grade, evaluated that they didn't like it, and changed their actions. Some saw that they were on the right track and found their plan successful.

Just as this class did for me, I believe that bringing this process to their attention will help them see how easy it can be to work towards their goal. Once the students realize that they are doing it already, they will find it is not hard to continue to implement throughout their education.

Monday, April 4, 2011

11 Revising the GAME Plan

My 2 goals for the GAME plan were:
  1. Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources
  2. Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness.
I feel like I have done well in achieving those two goals. In just a few weeks, students have discussed topics such as the bombing of Libya, the Tsunami in Japan, the radiation in Japan, and even the possibility of life on Mars. Students are exploring real-world issues and creatively analyze the information for solutions and opinions.

Although not every student is excited about the idea of writing and blogging, some students are really enjoying it. Regardless, they have been exposed to global issues and how those issues can effect their immediate world.

Next year I would like to incorporate another blog site. I am currently using the blog that is inside the students' blackboard accounts. It does not allow students to have their own site where they can set up their own site template, etc. I think giving students some creative leeway may make them feel more ownership and feel as if it really is their work.

I would like to add more real-world scenarios to class and push my students further in their creative thinking skills. I am excited about what next year will bring!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

6 Evaluating GAME Plan Progress

I was able to incorporate my first current event blog with my students last week.  I gave them a specific article, read through it with them, and helped them to understand what it meant.  Then we decided that we could form 3 different opinions.  Students could agree with the actions taken, disagree, or be uncertain about their opinion.  I had a blog template that I asked them to follow, and I stepped through the first paragraph with them.

Surprisinigly almost all of the students embraced the idea and easily took off.  I did have to remind students that a comment such as "That's stupid" or "Hey Buddy" was not an approrpriate comment.  I feel like I am meeting both of my goals of introducing real-world problems as well as improving their critical thinking skills.

Right now, I have not forseen any other problems. This week I am going to be out of town at a workshop.  I am going to have the students attempt to work on a new blog without my help.  They will still follow the blog template from last week, but I won't be there to walk them through the process.  Then I should have a good indicator if I need to readjust anything.

*** This Email was sent by an educator at Riverside High School in Western Line School District.

Monday, March 21, 2011

7 Moinitoring the GAME Plan Progress

As I continue with my GAME plan, I am currently searching for sites that offer current events that will be appropriate for my 7th graders. I do not want to send them to news articles that are too in depth and wordy for them to comprehend. I have looked at several sites such as

  • Channel One News
  • Scholastic Kids Press
  • PBS News Hour Extra
I am anxious to expose my students to more global real-world events that will foster creative, critical thinking skills.

One way that I want to begin their blog experience is by creating a type of blog post template as well as comment. That way students can follow the format for their first few posts and comment replies. Once they have mastered the idea, they can deviate from the template as long as they still include the necessary information. Even though I will model the behavior, I think beginning them with a template, much like tracing letters when one first learns to write, will solidify the format that they should follow in this activity.

I hope to start the students with this new project by the end of the week. If possible, I will evaluate their responses and continue to monitor and adjust as needed.