- Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources
- Promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness.
Although not every student is excited about the idea of writing and blogging, some students are really enjoying it. Regardless, they have been exposed to global issues and how those issues can effect their immediate world.
Next year I would like to incorporate another blog site. I am currently using the blog that is inside the students' blackboard accounts. It does not allow students to have their own site where they can set up their own site template, etc. I think giving students some creative leeway may make them feel more ownership and feel as if it really is their work.
I would like to add more real-world scenarios to class and push my students further in their creative thinking skills. I am excited about what next year will bring!!
Kim, It sounds like your game plan is really coming along well. Students learn so much by studying current events. You said that some of your students don't seem to care much for blogging and writing. Hopefully they just need some more time to get used to the idea. We also don't have the freedom of our students setting up their own blogs at school I know we need some parameters for safety issues, but sometimes it seems like too much is blocked from student use. I'm not too sure what either one of us could do about that.
My students have really enjoyed creating their own wiki pages. Even though their pages are secured, and no one else sees them, except for their parents and me, they love setting them up to reflect who they are. Being the administrator of the wiki allows me to see what they place on their pages (and even remove things, if necessary)so I see it as a win-win situation.
I think sometimes students that aren't initially excited about something just need to find the topic that will spark their interest! It sounds like they have been making some good connections to the real world, you'll be bound to find something for everyone eventually! It sounds like you have done some great things already, but maybe eventually you could connect with another classroom in another part of the world to get a different perspective of world events!
Kim, being a fellow history teacher, I am so intrigued with how you have incorporated real-world problems into your curriculum. A suggestion I have for you on how to make the blogging experience more exciting is to possible have the students write their blog assignments in the form of newspaper articles. Using online news articles where people have the opportunity to respond would be a great way for the students to see that the format you having them write in, is in fact a real-life scenario.
Thanks for the ideas. I really hope to be able to start connecting with other schools across the nation and the world!
I think real-world scenarios are so helpful in learning material. I teach math and the more real-world situations I can put into the material, the more the students understand and remember. They are able to apply the concept to an actual item. It is much easier to get them to remember this way than just the paper and pencil method of learning.
Hi Kim,
I agree--I think if students can personalize their blogs, they may feel a bit more motivated to use them. They can add photos, links, etc. and make the blog their own.
They can even make a space on some blogs for a second blog where they can add a content area or use for personal thoughts.
Thanks for sharing. It sounds like your plan is going well.
Hi Kim,
(Sorry about above posting--I am not sure who that is--I think a friend was using our home computer and had logged in with his account.)
I agree--I think if students can personalize their blogs, they may feel a bit more motivated to use them. They can add photos, links, etc. and make the blog their own.
They can even make a space on some blogs for a second blog where they can add a content area or use for personal thoughts.
Thanks for sharing. It sounds like your plan is going well.
Kim, I know you said some students do not excited about blogging and things. I know this same feeling. They were having a hard time wanting to blog about current event news and things. So I decided to make a few blogs some fun blogs. I still made them follow the same protocol but a fun goofy topic. This helped open some of those students eyes to blogging who did not care to much about it previously. Just keep at it, you can not win all of them, but you sure can try and try again.
Perhaps you could have a student(s) select a current event topic and generate questions. Sometimes when they have to do the thinking behind the writing it creates more engagement.
I know it can be disheartening when students aren't thrilled with the projects and assignments we required. But we must remember that we very rarely make all our students happy. They are learning about current events and practicing their online writing skills which are both great achievements. I like Joe's idea of incorporating some 'goofy topics' on your blog. I think that might help them see this tool with a new perspective.
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