Wednesday, September 29, 2010

4 Constructivism/Constructionism in Practice

According to Dr. Orey, Constructivism is a theory of knowledge stating that each individual actively constructs his/her own meaning. Constructionism is the theory of learning that states people learn best when they build an external artifact or something they can share with others (Laureate, 2009). Constructionism can enhance learning tremendously in the classroom. The goal of any teacher is to have students actively involved in each lesson. What better way to achieve this than through actual construction of an idea, project, or artifact.

The text Using Technology with Classroom Instruction that Works offers several ideas for students to generate and test hypotheses in class. These activities work hand in hand with the Constructionist Theory because students are creating spreadsheets, graphs, charts, etc to become better acquainted with the information in the lesson.

One idea given in the text is the creation of a spreadsheet to show the difference between savings and investments. The students enter information and are able to decide which form of investment would generate the most money in a 30 year period. The text also suggests that the students do not have to create the spreadsheet from scratch; the teacher can insert the formulas to save on time, yet the students still end up with the same result (Pitler, Hubbell, Kuhn, & Malenoski, 2007). These spreadsheets can easily be formatted into graphs and charts so that the information is more easily visible to the students. In the end, students have created their own spreadsheet and chart/graph instead of just listening to a teacher lecture on the topic.

Another activity that I found interesting is the virtual simulations, specifically the World War II strategy game. Students take on the role of a country leader during World War II and make diplomatic and economic decisions best for that particular country. What a great way for students to fully grasp all of the many factors that existed during the war! In order to win, students must apply what they know and be able to make informed decisions based upon that knowledge. Students are actively participating and strengthening their country with this game instead of just listening to lectures and taking notes (Pitler et al, 2007).

The constructionist theory can easily be integrated into the classroom with the use of technology. With a little creativity, students can learn in new, hands-on method that makes the information relevant to them.

Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2009). Constructionist and Constructivist Learning Theories [DVD}. Bridging learning theory, instruction, and technology. Baltimore: Author.

Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.


Anonymous said...

I was also impressed with the interactive lesson on savings and investments. When I first looked at it I thought it would be something geared more toward high school students. However, it was for 5th graders. We teach computing interest in 6th grade. This would be a great way to have the students build an artifact by completing a spreadsheet with all of their data.

Kathy Wallace said...

I too love the activity with the spreadsheet and money. When I talk to my middle school students about saving and so forth, they usually don't believe me. If I am able to use something like this project, it may make them realize how it works. Just the other day one student said "You can not have negative money." I proceeded to tell him that happens when you owe someone. If I had this project it may have made it clearer for him.

Ms. Shafer's Big Backyard said...

The WWII activity would definitely link learning to enjoyment. I think the students need to be given opportunities to employ higher order skills by using their knowledge to make applications. Great job!

philip.palumbo1 said...

Among the other types of technology that use constructionism, I have found that simulations and simulation games can be used for many subjects and types of information in the classroom and outside the classroom. I have used them for a number of different things in my science program. Another good thing about this type of technology is that it is quite open ended and many different areas and facets of the subject can be explored. The student uses what they already know plus what they can learn from other internet sources to continue creating one artifact after another culminating in one large artifact being the whole simulation or game itself. Also students love to role play and make decisions based on this role play as is evidenced by many of the noneducational games on the computer that have become so popular.

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